Sunday, 7 October 2007

Hanging around on the high ropes

Well, another week has passed. I had bad headaches for most of last week so was in a fairly grumpy mood for some of it! But, things are now good and the fun continues! I really do love it here!

Despite the headaches I've had a lovely week and yesterday was just what the doctor ordered. Mark, Amanda, Noel, Deb and myself all went up to the Camp to help out Ken and Dave and the Scripture Union team who were all building and working there. It was a gorgeously hot, sunny day and we were soon put to work. I started off hapily shoveling dirt, but Ken said he needed a 'perfectionist' to do some measuring, it seemed right up my street and so I offered. I then found out I was to be measuring at the top of the High Ropes Course! Interesting!
So I found myself in a harness, 30feet up in the air measuring for new steps. I was to do all the measuring and Mark (who is like a monkey on the High Ropes, he loves it and it is what he used to do back in Canada)was sawing the holes. It was fine on the first platform as I used the ladder to climb up there. But the only way to the other platforms was across the ropes. All credit to Mark - he was very patient with me getting across!! I wasn't about to go across until I was ready! Needless to say he got me across and then virtually ran his way back across them to get all the tools etc. I wasn't about to go across holding a saw! It was just so hot up there and the view so astounding I think I wouldn't have minded anything. We made it to 3 platforms before the sun starting setting. I had just psyched myself up to just get a grip and go around the whole course without being a wimp when Ken turned up with the ladder! I will do it one day though!!
So it was just perfect to be out of school and actually doing something. Amanda and I are going to offer to go and work up there on Saturday afternoons when we are around.

Next weekend we are all going to Copan for a long weekend, finally I will get to see the ruins!

Not sure what other news there is. Jon is out of hospital and seems to have recovered well from Dengue. Noels feet are normal size again. That's about as interesting as it gets these days!

I've been trying to call people on Skype recently but sometimes there is such a big delay you hang up before I speak!! If you get any weird calls it is probably me just wanting to talk to people who understand my accent and what I am saying. Sometimes I even need translators for the Canadians! But they are learning!

I have Spanish lessons on Mondays now alongside Amanda, but from next week we are having extra lessons from Silvia too and and so will have Spanish lessons 4 days a week! Kill or cure I say! Lessons in school increase next week too. I have to do re-enforcement classes for the kids who are behind. It's only for an hour after school once a week - but means I am teaching from 7.30am until 3.30pm. A long day!

Please keep in touch!

I am going to try and attach a panoramic 'movie' that Mark made on top of the High Ropes course to show the view. Lots of photos put together. You just click on it and drag it around. (Dad you left clickon the picture and then use the mouse to drag it across andyou will see the view! You need Quicktime to view it. (Most comps have it)


Anonymous said...

Sorry you had to put up with a bad head last week, but glad that you're feeling better now. Also pleased that you're enjoying yourself out there, and having lots of different experiences - swinging around from trees on ropes!! Hope the Spanish is improving, I'm sure it is! Take care, love Barbara x

jean said...

Always thought there was something monkeyish about you(in the cutest possible way) so pleased you are happy, can't get the new movie to work so will have to wait for expert input. Postal strikes here so who knows if parcels will ever get anywhere. take care onthe ground and 'up high'. God bless, love Jean.

jean said...

Can anyone view the 'movie' pic? not sure if its my computer or not!

Anonymous said...

Oi! Stop hanging around in the trees and look at your emails!!

Need to know when to book a flight to see you and will obviously need plenty of time to sort out my marching costume!


Anonymous said...

Take a look at for some more ideas for when you next go to the camp! And like Jean we can't see the video either. Not that I'm complaining but I even tried the instructions for your Dad!
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

We will be thinking of you when
we watch the survival expert Ray Mears when he takes actor Ewan McGregor deep into the jungles of Honduras in search of a lost civillisation.BBC2 24th Oct 8.00pm
Lots of Love Gemma and mum xxxxxxx