Wednesday 12 December 2007

Weekend getaway

It's nearly the end of term, we're all exhausted and so decided that we needed to get away for a weekend. The good news is that now I have a car the world is my oyster - so to speak- and so we piled in the car and headed for Tela. It took just under 2.5 hours to get to my newly favourite retreat - the Caribbean Sea! The 4 of us from the house went and it was very good for us to spend time together away from the school. Somehow the 4 of us have never actually been away together. We stayed in a hotel right on the beach. Tela is not the nicest, cleanest beach but it is a beach and it is the Caribbean so who is complaining?! It was just what was needed, relaxing in the sun. We all came away incredibly sunburnt which isn't so great - but the tan to follow was!!
I was amazed at the difference in colour of the Honduran people. The coast is home to the Garifuna people, who are much darker than Hondurans around us. They look far more 'Caribbean'.
The best part is that our hotel on the beach cost us £15 for 2 nights - I love this country sometimes!!!

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