Wednesday 9 January 2008

And a new term begins....

Well term has started again and I feel like I have been run over by a 10-ton truck - how can I be so tired after 3 days back at school?! Crazy! As much as I loved the holidays I do like being back with the children again. To my huge relief they didn't forget all their English over the holidays and so far this week has gone really well....I hope I'm not speaking too soon! I'm having great fun with the Grade 1's who are just lapping up the English and so somehow every lesson is turned into a game, which I enjoy as much as the kids do - nothing new there!

We have a new teacher who has started here and will be here until June. She is Canadian (yet another!)and will be working with Grades 1-6 doing both booster classes for those who are struggling and extra classes for the able pupils to stretch them. I am really pleased someone is going to come and help my Grade 1's and 2's as I have lots of very special needs in those classes and they just get overlooked in the system here. It is nice to have a new friendly face around too. Poor girl doesn't actually have anywhere to live yet, but she is staying with Ken and Sue in the meantime.

The new (well not so new but reinvented) sport in my house is Brit-bashing! How many ways can I be mocked for being British?! They have endless ways! The latest thing is the Toast Rack. Apparently Canadians have never heard of a toast rack, Megan read about it in a magazine and I am never going to hear the end of it!! Nowt wrong with a toast rack in my opinion!! I can hold my own that is for sure - though it does get very tiring sometimes....does anyone know of an English teacher who would like to come and work here next year? Actually, that's a serious offer, Esther is recruiting teachers for next year and is looking for qualified, Christian teachers. If you know of anyone just let me know!!

Here is a picture of my Grade 2's. We had been doing some work for a school in Canada who had send us a 'Flat Albert'- like a travelling Flat is the photo we took:

On Friday Dave and Esther are off on a recruitment trip to Canada - trying to find more teachers for next year. It means that Amanda and I are going to house sit for them for 2 and a half weeks! It's not safe to leave houses empty here and so I am turning into a professional house sitter! As they are up at the camp they need someone with their own transport this time - hurray that's me! It will be good to stay somewhere out of the school for a while - I'm longing for my own house and this is the next best thing!

Well, I need to go and write some exams now - I can't put it off any longer! I hope you have all had a good start to 2008. Please keep in touch!

If you are reading my endless witterings that is my blog, please please do leave a comment, I love reading what people think and seeing who actually reads this. It's amazing how one small comment can cheer you up!


Megan said...

Well, even though I will see you tomorrow morning, I will leave a comment. (I agree, it's nice to know people out there are reading!)

I apologize about the toast-rack bsahing. It is a novelty that I had never before heard of. Apparently us Canadians are very uncouth! You were a good sport about it though.

Anonymous said...

Another good start to my day! I know just what you mean about feeeling as if you'd never had a holiday,- tha was how I felt by Tuesday morning. Don't worry about M & S yet, I'm doing my best to keep them going!! Love Barbara x

jean said...

What's all this about M&S? speak to them in the know!You school teachers have got it made some of us have only had 2 days holiday over the festive time, have a bit of sympathy please!! very pleased you are still enjoying the children,they have obviously taken to you Katharine. does it count to have professional house sitter on a the way. I check your blog every night when i get in from work to see if you have updated. keep it up,i feel like i'm having an ordinary conversation with you.Loving it!!. God Bless, love Jean

Anonymous said...

Really Katharine, you have to admit that a toast-rack is simply ridiculous. I say. Indeed. Just eat the toast already! Have some jam on it too!

Love, someone completely unbiased who is not Mark.. :)

Anonymous said...

I suppose that next those Canadians will be saying they haven't heard of a milk sieve or a jam scoop! What would an English breakfast be without them!!! Philistines!!!

love, Pete

Anonymous said...

No doubt Canadians like their toast soggy (which is why you use a toast rack so that the condensation from the heat of the toast on the plate doesn't soak into toast!) Not that toast hangs around long enough in our house to use a rack - out of the toaster and straight into the gannets (aka T & A!) They also make very good cd racks. Your "witterings" (I thought that was a place in West Sussex) are highly entertaining - keep it up. AL the best for 2008.

Anonymous said...

You're keeping me amused Katherine:-) I check up on you nightly. Im glad the start of term feels the same world over though! It sucks eh.

As for toast racks. They rock. In fact the boys were using the unused solid silver one (left to me in a will!!!!!!!!) as a drying rack last week. Mainly used here as a letter rack though!
LOve and hugs

Beth x

Megan said...

An English breakfast without a toast rack or a milk sieve or a jam scoop would be Canadian! (If you need a sieve for your milk, I'm not eating cereal at your house! Yuck!)

Anonymous said...

Your dad reminded me to look at your 'blog'. So pleased I did cos I feel like I've just been to a bullfight & into, through & over a rainforest - I feel like I've been on quite a holiday, thank you.
The time will come when Honduras will'catch up' with places like CR & you will mourn the passing of the simplicity of life as it was. Enjoy it now while you can.Jeremy R xxx.