Wednesday 9 April 2008

From the the ridiculous

This week they are bringing in a new law to Honduras (as we speak it is going through congress?) It is that for one day a week you are not allowed to drive your car! You have to get a sticker to put on your windscreen stating which day it is you are not going to drive it. If you are caught driving on that day you are given an on the spot fine!
It doesn't effect me now, but when I am living up at the camp at Ken and Sue's house I will have to drive their Landrover on 'my day'.

The reason for this? Well, it depends who you talk to...some say it is to do with the economy, some say to do with gas (petrol), some the environment. No-one knows for sure!
So, I was seemingly the last to find out about this, and tomorrow (Thursday) is the last day you can get hold of a sticker.

However....Sigua has run out of them! So tomorrow I have to go on a sticker hunt to Comayagua after school! Crazy.

I think my day will be Tuesday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm only leaving a comment because no one else has. I think it's a very sensible law, it's a shame it didn't go through. Going to dads next week for a few days with the girls. Going to borrow Percy for a mission I'm doing.

You take care, look after number ONE.
