Saturday, 18 April 2009

Dogs and cars...bain of my life!

Well, with the car at school Rafa was unable to start it, so whilst I was at camp with my Grade's 1 and 2, Rafa went and picked up a mechanic friend of his to come fix the car. I can't tell you exactly what was wrong with it because I only know the words for it in Spanish - and can't translate them as am not sure what they are in English!! The joys of learning about engines in a different language. Anyway, the main point being...MY DOGS ATE THE CABLES!! Thus my car wouldn't start! My dogs are not my friends right now!! So, the car is fixed, a few more bits to finish but shold be sellable soon!
I've been so worried about it, and yet went for dinner with a family from school last night - with Deb, Amanda, Britt and Ana - and the father knows about cars and said he would call his friend and help me seell it and buy another one. A real answer to prayer! Then 10 mins later Fredi calls me to tell me he is selling his car if I want first offer on it!! Which - I said no because it is far too expensive!!

May I also say when I arrived for dinner their chihuahua ran up and bit me on the leg!! They may be small dogs but they bite hard - and it hurt...a lot!! Dogs and cars.....!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dont be too harsh on the dogs
At least it should be on the way to recovery now
Cant wait to hear more from you
Love from Anna