Saturday 10 July 2010

It is most definitely Saturday!!

As I have said...Saturdays are always eventful and this was no different...just sad!

I have again spent the afternoon/evening in the hospital. A friend of mine called Delmy, who is the same age as me, is in hospital with Lupus and is very seriously ill indeed. Delmy is not a close friend, but she is the cousin of Carina and her family who are! I think I probably know Delmy's sisters better. She is very close to Lorena and is one of my neighbours.

So, in this country, they don't have blood banks - well they do for emergencies only, and if you use a bag of blood you have to replace it! So, if someone is ill and needs a blood transfusion you have to call friends and family to come and donate blood to that person?! I had offered that if they needed my blood they only had to call me and I'd be happy to help as I have the same blood type.

At 4pm today I was called and asked to go to hospital immediately to give my blood as she needed another transfusion. The lower limit for your platelets is 150,000 (or something like that) and she was at 8000. I arrived and her whole family were there. The Dr's had told them how critical she is, I don't think anyone is expecting her to live long now. They gave her different medicines, one of which is only given to patients who are going to die. I'm not sure what it is, the Dr didn't say. The Dr's have said there is nothing more they can do for her. She could go to a hospital in San Pedro but would likely die on the way due to the journey - and most likely have a brain haemorrage. Delmy is in good spirits, and doesn't know the severity of her case, which is a good thing. I went in to chat with her and see her. When I arrived I was told they didn't need my blood after all, as they were only going to give her one 'bag', which someone else was donating! I asked if they wanted another one in case she needed it later - have it ready. But this isn't the procedure. Crazy. I stayed a while at the hospital for Carina and Dina (I was the photographer for Dina's wedding - and it was their Dad that drowned last year). As we were all there, the Dr's decided they needed 2 more bags of blood and so I went in to start the tediously long process of donating blood! By the time they have interviewed you, tested your blood and you've given it - it takes about 2 or 3 hours!

So, I went in and eventually they took my blood and all was fine. Carina was sat waiting for me with Cony, a lady from church, who is simply hilarious. For Cony, this was her first time giving blood and she was a bit nervous. I told her it didn't hurt, was completely fine etc etc and no need to worry. She went in and just as she was finishing, as I was lying across the chairs in the waiting room, bored, Carina starts saying there is something wrong with Cony - a lot of fuss in the room. Suddenly, Cony goes flying past on her hospital bed and is wheeled at the speed of light to the Emergency Room. Carina starts shouting (all in Spanish) 'Cony is dying, Cony is dying'. We followed in hot pursuit. (I for some reason stopped to pick up all the rubbish first!) She had fainted, and then vomitted and peed herself as they took the syringe out! We sat on the floor outside the E.R. whilst the Dr (who thankfully also goes to our church!) checked her out. She was fine, just a bit shocked. Carina and I walked in to see her and she was smiling. She showed us that she had peed herself and I don't know what happened but Carina and I just couldn't stop laughing! The whole thing had been so funny and to find out she had peed herself too!! We were incredily concerned and maybe was it relief. Thankfully, Cony also was laughing - and the Dr's - and the nurses who came in to find out what the noise was about!! Cony was blaming me cos I told her it was easy, nothing to worry about, doesn't hurt!! Whoops! We're all different. That was her first and last blood donation!

Because of the severity of Delmy's situation they have moved her out of the ward into a private room (for the same price as the ward, because it is on the Dr's orders). I honestly don't think anyone expects her to live. Maybe the blood transfusions will work, I pray they do. She has to have a family member with her 24 hours a day as she can't do anything for herself at all. So, Blanca is staying there with her. Poor Delmy looks so frail and pale, but is smiling through it all.

Please pray for this family.


jean said...

Some families really do 'go through it' dont they, love and prayers for all of you, Go Bless. Jean.

jean said...

oops, typo, sorry. x

Anonymous said...

still eventful then
also just wanted to say happy birthday for yesterday
Hope you had a good time :)
love from Anna