Monday 16 August 2010

Oh goodness, how I wish I had been keeping this updated. Brief over view ...

Went to England for 2 weeks for Pete's wedding. Wedding was great and was lovely to see everyone again.
On arriving back in Honduras, I sat in the plane at San Pedro Sula airport but we couldn't get off because the power had gone in the airport and so there was no way of getting the electrical lift thingy to the door. So we sat in the plane an extra 30 minutes!! I knew I was back!
Adony met me, and apparently his sister - who lives in San Pedro - was in labour!! So at 8pm instead of going home off I went to the clinic - having spent the last 24 hours traavelling!!! I arrived and was rushed in to see Eunice...who was having full blown contractions and I'm sure not wanting to see me!! I said hi and left her in peace! Then had to wait 2 hours in the waiting room until the baby was finally born and then with the entire family I got to meet the baby etc. Hilarious!! Apparently part of that family too now! By 11pm I just wanted to be in my own bed - I had been travelling waaaaaaaay too long. Adony was very understanding and at 11pm we set off for Sigua....arriving at 12.30am. We sang Christmas songs (his choice) to keep us awake. There, Jaime was waiting for me in my house...which he had cleaned impecibally! He had also changed all my furniture around which to be honest was a lot better and so I have left it. Apparently he feels very comfortable in my house!!

Being back was great. I have spent so much time with my friends and am loving it. I am a lot more relaxed. Obviously work is still stressful but I'm not thinking about that! I do love my oh so random life here!

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