Saturday 21 August 2010

All calm!

For once a calm, quiet Saturday!! Most unusual - and needed. Since the funeral, this week has been long and tiring, but today I was able to catch up with some sleep and rest. I was also able to meet up with my friend Melodie that I've not seen in months and months! She is French Canadian and runs the children's home just out of Sigua. She is French Canadian, raised in Spain and her first language is French, 2nd Spanish and 3 rd English - yet is Canadian and you wouldn't realise English wasn't her first language! I've known her my whole time here but we barely get time to meet up. It was good to catch up properly, with someone who understands cultural differences and is vv down to earth!

After church tonight I gave Delmy's son, Ricky (14), a ride home as always and we stopped off so I could buy him something to eat for dinner. He seems to be coping really well with everything and accepting it. Seems his friends are a great help, which is good news. He's very funny so we just had a laugh really!!
All remarkably peaceful, thankfully.

Yesterday I went to a baby shower for some friends in the church, a relly great group of women there that I really get on with. Considering most of my friends are guys it's good to get to know some of this women too. One funny thing is that the Pastors wife came to tell me that someone from church had been trying to get hold of me and had asked her for my number, he had asked for 'KaTHarine' pronouncing the 'th'. She told him she didn't know anyone of that name!! Then she realised it was me - no-one here pronounces my name with a 'th'. I'm Katarin or Misska or Gringa. The th thing threw her totally!! Amused me somewhat.

In 2 weeks time I should be connected with fully working broadband internet - finally. The company who kept promising me it would be in my neighbourhood soon, finally admitted it would never be. At the same time the telephone company have started broadband via the telephone wire. So I shall at last have broadband wireless in my house and be able to upload photos on here again and use Skype! About time too.

1 comment:

jean said...

WOW good news on allfronts this week. fantastic! take care, God Bless,love Jean.x