So...after Wed I am staying in Sigua. Noel has gone back to Canada for the hols, Amanda is going to Roatan to meet her family for a hol and so it's Mark and I holding the fort! Actually we are both going to stay with Sue and her family!
Then on Christmas eve all the Gringo families (white, mainly American!) are meeting up to sing Carols and be a bit 'traditional'. On Christmas day I will still be at Sue's and we will have lunch and then in the afternoon she has invited all her Honduran friends and neighbours, which will be lovely - and a chance to practise Spanish.
The best part about my plans starts onthe 27th Dec. We have just booked flights to Costa Rica. We were going to go by bus but that would take at least 18 hours on the bus and although I travelled like that in Uganda I know how tiring it is, and how coming back would ruin the relaxing effect of a holiday. So we looked at flights....and managed to get a return flight for £85. Including taxes! What a bargain!!! Amanda and I will find a beach somewhere and then go and look at a volcano and a National Park and see monkeys and birds. Mark is coming and will go off surfing and then we will meet up for New Years Eve. We fly back to Tegucigalpa on 2nd Jan and will spend a day or 2 there and then come home. Term starts again on 7th Jan.
Sounds like a perfect and sunny holiday to me! It is still the rainy season here but much improved. It has been drizzly today but on Saturday it was 34C. It is generally warm and sunny again - good for maintaining the Tela (and soon to be CR) tan!
Not many photos to add today. Here is one of the new, never seen in Sigua before Christmas tree, and then one of me and Noel - we were wearing the same clothes somehow?! White shirt, brown jumper! More pics to follow after our concert.