Thursday 24 April 2008

Peace March

Just as I thought we were not going to have any more marches this year - today we went on a Peace March through town! I love it when the school's here march, I really do. This was nothing like the marches we had for Indepedence Day back in September. Not so 'official'.
The main difference being - we took no children! Hilarious!! It was after school time and so we did not take our kids, and the high school just decided they didn't want to participate. So there we were - the elementary teachers - in our school t-shirts marching along in a line with our banner! We had Carlita's little children - 2 token children! It was very funny!
Now, I love this kind of thing and so was enjoying it - though finding it mildly embarrassing, and amusing, that we didn't have any of our classes with us - unlike everyone else!

Apparently they have this Peace March every year, and last year not many schools participated and it was very organised. This year, because of the security issues here at the moment I think all the schools in town turned up to march and demonstrate for peace- hundreds and hundreds of children (including high schools). All marching along shouting 'we want peace' and 'no more violence' - though obviously in Spanish!

There was such a sense of community and common goal amongst everyone - it was like a giant party atmosphere - not quite as formal as other marches! Not so peaceful for me was the fact the girls behind me were seeing who could shout the loudest and screech the highest - they did well I'd say!

They all congregated in the plaza after the march and there were competitions - and to be honest I dont know what else as we left - heh we had no kids with us and Amanda and Noel came to meet us and it's not really Amanda's type of thing!!

The thing that struck me most as I was walking was just how much these children meant what they were saying, the fact that yes we do want peace in Siguatepeque! Of course most were there because they had to be, but reading their banners and listening to them made me quite emotional for a moment. Nothing should be taken for granted in life.


jean said...

world wide peace for all eh!I would think that the majority of us want and need this. Lifes' not dull with you is it.Take care, God Bless, love Jean.
ps. please try and answer some of the question sent to you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Reading the banners in Spanish - well done!
Take care
God Bless