Tuesday 19 May 2009


Got a phone call at work today from Abner (my soon to be neighbour) asking me to meet my new landlord at his school to give him my passport number etc so he can write up the contract! Nearly blew my head away - I only saw the place yesterday and already he is drawing up a contract! I took Amanda to see the apartment today and meet these people and they are simply wonderful! He read through my current contract for me to see when I can get out of my house and he didn't see a problem - and heh it's Honduras! All a bit of a rush for me - my new contract starts 1st June - although will be here til Mid June. He is not charging me a month's rent in advance which is lucky! It all seems to be happening around me!

He did however say there are only 2 neighbourhoods that are very dangerous in Sigua and that he doesn't go into after 4pm.....when he said which ones they were, I pointed out that one of them is where I live now!!!! Confirmed my need to move me thinks!!!

I'm so sad to leave my house!

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