Monday 16 August 2010


Now last I wrote about Delmy I had just come from giving blood at the hospital, where everyone was expecting the worst. It was amazing because the next day her levels shot up completely to normal and she was sent home!! When I left for England she was in a delicate condition - but at home.

When I returned from England - I think - she was still at home but I didn't see her. Then she was rushed to the hospital in San Pedro again. It is at this point they realised that they had diagnosed her incorrectly. She didn't have Lupus - she had leaukemia. And the way they had been treating her had made her worse - killed off all the things she needed (to put it bluntly). So she started Chemo last week and survived many side effects. She was super weak but everyone was hopeful.

Today there was a phone call to Lorena in the morning and Delmy had died. Delmy and Lorena were really close. Delmy died at 6.10am today. Somehow Lorena came to school - half an hour later I drove her home again! Delmy is a friend and neighbour to me too and as I went into Lorena's house this morning delmy's 2 boys were in there - Ricky, 14(ish) and Diego, 10. They were waiting for a phone call. It was sooo sad to see them. I left for work again as Delmy's brothers and uncles drove to SPS to collect her body. As I got back from school at 2.30pm I saw the coffin being taken to church (it all happens VVV quickly here).
This is the same family of the man who drowned in November. It is truly heartbreaking. That was Carina's dad - this is her cousin. I went to Delmy's house to collect members of her very large family to drive them to church. I saw the coffin at the same time as many of them...and wished I hadn't. So painful to see them. Her mum came in crying out 'My daughter, my daughter'. When she had sat down I went over to say hi and she just grabbed my hand, thanking me for my blood I gave and saying " Misska (my name here) she's gone, my daughter has gone". All I could do was sit there and hold her hand, whilst she and Blanca - Delmy's sister told me all about this morning and how she died etc. But everyone is doubly sad as all the memories of Don Tony's funeral are flooding back to everyone. You can cut the atmosphere and pain with a knife. I have since come back to change and have a shower to get myself together. The service is tonight and then I will stay at the church the entire night (drinking lots of coffee) to be with the family in the vigil. Then tomorrow morning I will go to the burial - I am driving some of her family. At least I can help with my car. Lorena is taking it badly, they were very close and she doesn't handle things like this well - who does? I am trying to be there for her too, but seeing her hug the coffin crying was too much for me. I stood there looking in at Delmy's body - which after long bouts of treatment was not pleasurable to see. No doubt tonight I will be shown the body many more times too. I am bracing myself!!
It's sad. For her sake I am glad she is no longer suffering, she knew she was dying. For her 2 sons, her twin sister and all her other brothers, sisters and family it is awful. What more can happen to this family I care so much about?!!

Please pray for them!!
Right, am back off to the church now!! I'll try and keep this updated!

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